last morning of the year

that cat is not so afraid
in the coolness of the air,
curling vespers tend broken wings
across which spun a concoction of
statement and circumstance that define intent
the mood and the lighting brings down news
of abandonment and marooned dislikes

the corner is stolen by magic
the large eyes that stare back out of the dark
are hungry and wooden their glare is made
of the children of need

asking for your pennies
they pretend, according to the newspaper
and then hand all their profits to hasten death
without the pain of vision

One Reply to “last morning of the year”

  1. changed first stanza from:

    that cat is not so afraid in the coolness
    of the air, unconcerned vespers tend to the
    broken wings of unseen gestures the screen
    across which was spun this concoction of
    statement and circumstance that define intent
    the mood and the lighting brings down news
    of abandonment and marooned dislikes

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