The Signs

At first there was a panic
Leaves spread over the facts
Spreading out words that found you
Buried in the garden

And awake you were not but
ideas rose like dust in shafts of light

There were three eyes peering out
Each was a test to fail
Failure was alarming and imminent
Death was a shadow on your left shoulder
But failure was in your gut

The first eye closed, betraying you to science
The second eye blinked, frightened away by the gusts of wind between you
The third stayed staring until it needed a future
And then you ran for the trees

Shaking them and hoping to repeat the spell but instead of leaves
inscribed by wisdom, instead of vagrant dust in the air
You found facts with hungry mouths and disaster
Indifference, war and criminal wilds
Cruel paranoid paralysis
These lines were drawn

And now the dancers have wrapped their leggings in denim
And the dreamers woke up with greed restored
Those that take took and left nothing but love for their own
did that, and yet the final chapters unfold with the kindness of skin

All you have left is screaming excitement and a detachment from fear