twitter poetry

Note: the twitter poem is presented in real time sequence, in other words backwards it read you.

nalexanderoh here i go, time to write I suppose – pursuit by wild pigeons and mosquitoes ready on my nose
less than 5 seconds ago from web

nalexanderdeep breaths taken in given out sharp words never worked and here they cut like a graven blade across paths never sought
less than 5 seconds ago from web

nalexanderwonder modern day demigod of the twittering masses and we sit and wonder what we are saying what we sigh about
less than 5 seconds ago from web

nalexandercurrently accepting followers to the inner sactum, the nalexander twitter stream – one of the least important in the world where demi boy
less than 5 seconds ago from web

nalexanderthis is my “private twitter” – open to the world but I will only follow a few accounts. The main account is nalex
half a minute ago from web

theseainwinterarise my body, my small body, we have striven enough, and He is merciful; we are forgiven.
about 7 hours ago from web

theseainwinter(to your left a wood-pidgeon flies into the window, the view is of housetops sending up tendrils of smoke)
about 7 hours ago from web

theseainwintera great yawn is accompanied by the stretching upward of your willowbranch arms
about 7 hours ago from web

theseainwinteryou are sat at the kitchen table wrapped only in an untidy sheet, rays of sunlight ripple & stir in your hair and at my feet.
about 7 hours ago from web

theseainwintertweets for the first time in one year;
about 7 hours ago from web

nalexanderconsidering next update for – the slowest website evolution in the known world…
1:32 PM Mar 11th from web

nalexanderWelcome to the twitter stream
1:21 PM Mar 11th from web

nalexanderconsidering all the options
9:39 AM Dec 18th, 2007 from web

nalexanderrejoining twitter
10:16 AM Dec 17th, 2007 from web